Lists of publications
Many articles are available at the following:
Sharon Macdonald Google Scholar
Sharon Macdonald hu-berlin academia
Sharon Macdonald hu-berlin researchgate
Authored Books
- Rodney Harrison, Caitlin DeSilvey, Cornelius Holtorf, Sharon Macdonald, Nadia Bartolini, Esther Breithoff, Harald Fredheim, Antony Lyons, Sarah May, Jennie Morgan and Sefryn Penrose 2020 Heritage Futures. Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices, London: UCL Press, 525pp. Shortlisted for European Association of Archaeologists book prize.
- Sharon Macdonald, 2013, Memorylands: Heritage and Identity in Europe Today, London: Routledge, 293 + xiv pp. (Polish edition published in 2021.)
- Sharon Macdonald, 2009, Difficult Heritage: Negotiating the Nazi Past in Nuremberg and Beyond, London: Routledge, 231 + vii pp.
- Sharon Macdonald, 2002, Behind the Scenes at the Science Museum, Oxford and New York: Berg, 293 + xiii pp.
- Sharon Macdonald, 1997, Reimagining Culture: Histories, Identities and the Gaelic Renaissance, Oxford: Berg/New York: New York University Press, 297 + xix pp. Shortlisted for Kathryn Briggs Folklore Book of the Year.
Edited Books and Journal Special Issues
- Sharon Macdonald (ed.) 2023 Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage. A Berlin Ethnography, Bielefeld: transcript.
- Christoph Bareither, Katharina Geis, Sarah Ullrich, Sharon Macdonald, Elke Greifeneder, and Vera Hillebrand (eds) 2023, Digitales Bildkuratieren. Munich: Open Publishing LMU.
- Katarzyna Puzon, Sharon Macdonald and Mirjam Shatanawi (eds) 2021 Islam and Heritage in Europe: Past Developments and Future Possibilities, Abingdon: Routledge.
- Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald (eds) 2019 Refugees Welcome? Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany, Oxford: Berghahn.
- CARMAH (Sharon Macdonald, Jonas Tinius, Christine Gerbich, Larissa Foerster, Margareta von Oswald, Katarzyna Puzon) 2018 Otherwise. Rethinking Museums and Heritage, Berlin: Carmah.
- Henrietta Lidchi, Sharon Macdonald and Margareta von Oswald (eds) 2017 Engaging Anthropological Legacies, special section of Museum Worlds: Advances in Research, 5.
- Sharon Macdonald and Helen Rees Leahy 2015 (general editors) International Handbooks in Museum Studies, four volumes. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. Pp.2624.
- Sharon Macdonald and Paul Basu, 2007, (eds), Exhibition Experiments, Oxford: Blackwell (New Interventions in Art History series), 250 pp.
- Sophie Chevalier, Jeanette Edwards and Sharon Macdonald, 2007, (eds), Grande-Bretagne: Anthropology at Home, special issue of Ethnologie Française, XXXVII, no. 2 (Avril–Juin), pp. 195–334.
- Sharon Macdonald, 2006, (ed.), Companion to Museum Studies, New York/Oxford: Blackwell, 570 pp. Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2007 award. Translated into Greek, Sharon Macdonald (ed.), 2013, ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟ KΑΙ ΜΟΥΣΕΙΑΚΕΣ ΣΠΟΥΔΕΣ, (Museums and Museum Studies, translation of Companion to Museum Studies), Athens: Piraeus Bank of Athens.
- Petri Hautaniemi, Helena Jerman and Sharon Macdonald, 2006, (eds), Anthropological Perspectives on Social Memory, special issue of Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 2006, 152 pp.
- Sharon Macdonald, 2006, (ed.), Materializing Sheffield: Place, Culture, Identity, Sheffield: Humanities Research Institute, with editorial assistance from James Symonds, online:
- Eric Hirsch and Sharon Macdonald, 2005, (eds), Creativity or Temporality?, special issue of Cambridge Anthropology, 25, no. 2, 116 pp.
- Jeanette Edwards, Sharon Macdonald and Mike Savage, 2005, (eds), Community, continuity and change in the study of Britain: A Festschrift for Ronnie Frankenberg, special issue of The Sociological Review, 53, no. 4, 181 pp.
- Ina Maria Greverus, Regina Römhild, Sharon Macdonald, Gisela Welz and Helena Wulff, 2002, (eds), Shifting Grounds: Experiments in Doing Ethnography, special issue of Anthropological Journal on European Cultures, 2002, 218 pp.
- Sharon Macdonald, 2000, (ed.), Approaches to European Historical Consciousness: Reflections and Provocations, Hamburg: Körber, 175 pp.
- Sharon Macdonald, 1998, (ed.), The Politics of Display: Museums, Science, Culture, London and New York: Routledge, 242 + xii pp.; reprinted 1999.
- Sharon Macdonald and Gordon Fyfe, 1996, (eds), Theorizing Museums: Identity and Diversity in a Changing World, Oxford and New York: Blackwell, 236 pp. Chinese translation published in 2021.
- Sharon Macdonald, 1995, (ed.), Science on Display, guest editor special issue of Science as Culture, 1995, 157 pp.
- Sharon Macdonald, 1993, (ed.), Inside European Identities: Ethnography in Western Europe, Oxford and Providence: Berg, 247 + viii pp.; reprinted 1997.
- Sharon Macdonald, Pat Holden and Shirley Ardener, 1987, (eds), Images of Women in Peace and War: Cross-cultural and Historical Perspectives, Basingstoke: Macmillan/Wisconsin: Wisconsin University Press, 240 + xx pp.
Selection of recent articles and chapters
- Sharon Macdonald 2024 ‘Perspectivity and anthropological engagements in heritage-making. Challenges from the Humboldt Forum, Berlin’, in Emma Gilberthorpe (ed.) Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges. ASA volume. London: Routledge.
- Duane Jethro and Sharon Macdonald 2024, ‘Difficult heritage at the door. Doing heritage research in precarious times’, in Nick Shepherd (ed.) Resilient Heritage: Rethinking Heritage in Precarious Times, pp. 204–18. London: Routledge.
- Sharon Macdonald 2023 ‘National showing off and telling off. Reflections from the Ethnological Museum in Germany’s Humboldt Forum’, Museum Worlds, 11: 1–18.
- Sharon Macdonald 2023, ‘Doing diversity, making differences. Multi-researcher ethnography in museums and heritage in Berlin’, in Sharon Macdonald (ed.) Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage. A Berlin Ethnography, pp. 13–56. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Sharon Macdonald 2023, ‘Diversity Max* Multiple differences in exhibition-making in Berlin Global in the Humboldt Forum’, in Sharon Macdonald (ed.) Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage. A Berlin Ethnography, pp. 173–92. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Sharon Macdonald 2022 ’Sighting the dust. Attending to the museum through its residues’. In Nina Samuel & Felix Sattler (eds)Museale Reste, Bildwelten des Wissens, Band 18. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp.11-23.
Sharon Macdonald 2022, ‘Immersion, impersonation and engagement in dangerous pasts. Limits, effects and ethics of immersive heritage experiences’, in Agiati Bernadou and Anna Maria Droumpouki (eds) Difficult Heritage and Immersive Experiences, pp. 10–22. London: Routledge.
- Mirjam Shatanawi, Sharon Macdonald and Katarzyna Puzon 2021 ‘Heritage, Islam, Europe: entanglements and directions: an introduction’, in Katarzyna Puzon, Sharon Macdonald and Mirjam Shatanawi (eds) Heritage and Islam in Europe, pp. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Sharon Macdonald, Christine Gerbich, Rikke Gram, Katarzyna Puzon and Mirjam Shatanawi 2021 (in press) ‘Reframing Islam? Potentials and challenges of participatory initiatives in museums and heritage’, in Katarzyna Puzon, Sharon Macdonald and Mirjam Shatanawi (eds) Heritage and Islam in Europe, pp. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Sharon Macdonald 2021 ‘Contentious collections, contentious heritage. Risks and potentials of opening Europe’s memory banks’, in Marion Hamm and Klaus Schönberger (eds) Contentious Heritage and the Arts: A Critical Companion, pp.73-105. Klagenfurt: Wieser Verlag.
- Sharon Macdonald 2021 ‘Seven modes of museum forgetting’, in Iris Edenheiser, Elisabeth Tietmeyer & Susanne Boersma (eds) What’s Missing? Collecting and Exhibiting Europe, pp.234-40. Berlin: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz; Reimer Verlag. (Version of German version below)
- Sharon Macdonald 2020 ‘Re: Worlding the Museum. Or, the Museum for Possible Futures’, in schnittpunkt and Joachim Baur (eds) Das Museum der Zukunft/ The Museum of the Future, pp. 183-88. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Jennie Morgan and Sharon Macdonald 2020 Degrowing museum collections for new heritage futures’ International Journal of Heritage Studies, 26(1): 56–70.
- Sharon Macdonald 2020 ‘Transforming the ethnographic: anthropological articulations in museum and heritage research’, in Margareta von Oswald and Jonas Tinius (eds) Across Anthropology. Troubling Colonial Legacies, Museums, and the Curatorial, pp.47-60, Leuven: Leuven University Press.
- Sharon Macdonald 2020 ‘Laying the foundations of the anthropology of Europe. An ethnography of culture theory’, epilogue in the new edition of Michael Herzfeld Ours Once More. Folklore, Ideology and the Making of Modern Greece, pp.143-50, Oxford: Berghahn.
- Sharon Macdonald 2020 ‘Immersed in the Nazi past: limits, risks and approaches in the mediation of dangerous histories’, in Christoph Bareither and Ingrid Tomkowiak (eds) Mediated Pasts – Popular Pleasures. Medien und Praktiken populärkulturellen Erinnerns, pp. 31–40, Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann.
- Jonas Tinius and Sharon Macdonald 2020 ‘The recursivity of the curatorial’, in Roger Sansi (ed.) The Anthropologist as Curator, pp. 35–57, London: Bloomsbury.
- Sharon Macdonald 2019 ‘Researching ethnographic museums in Europe’ (interview), in Iris Edenheiser and Larissa Förster (eds) Museumsethnologie. Eine Einführung. Theorien, Debatten, Praktiken, pp.360-70. Berlin: Reimer.
- Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald 2019 ‘Introduction: making, experiencing and managing difference in a changing Germany’, in Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald (eds) Refugees Welcome? Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany, pp. 1-38. Oxford: Berghahn.
- Sharon Macdonald 2019 ‘Refugee futures and the politics of difference: a concluding reflection’, in Jan-Jonathan Bock and Sharon Macdonald (eds) Refugees Welcome? Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany, pp.312-31. Oxford: Berghahn.
- Sharon Macdonald 2019 ‘Materializing Creationism in the United States’, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 25(3): 606–8. (Review article.)
- Sharon Macdonald 2019 ‘Reframing Islam in the refugee crisis’, Material Religion, 15(3): 378-9.
- Sharon Macdonald 2019 ‘Heritage traces, differences and futures: new research approaches to heritage and society’, in Robert Kucek and Jacek Purchla (eds) Heritage and Society, pp.25–41, Krakow: International Cultural Centre.
- Sharon Macdonald 2019 ‘Wie Museen vergessen – sieben Weisen’, in Jasmin Alley and Kurt Wettengl (eds) Vergessen. Warum wir nicht alles erinnern (catalogue, Frankfurt Historical Museum) pp.182–7, 214, Frankfurt: Michael Imhof Verlag. Also published in Arsprototo (Kontexgte des Erinnerns) 2019, 1: 20-24.
- Sharon Macdonald 2018 ‘Endorsement effects and warning potentials: architecture from Totalitarian eras as heritage’, in Håkan Hökerberg (ed.) Architecture as Propaganda in Twentieth-Century Totalitarian Regimes. History and Heritage, Florence: Polistampa, pp.261-287.
- Sharon Macdonald and Jennie Morgan 2018 ‘What not to collect? Post-coinnoisseurial dystopia and the profusion of things’, in P.Schorch and C.McCarthy (eds) Curatopia. Museums and the Future of Curatorship, pp.29-43. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Sharon Macdonald, Christine Gerbich and Margareta von Oswald 2018 ‘No museum is an island: ethnography beyond methodological containerism’, Museum and Society 16(2): 138-156.
- Sharon Macdonald 2018 ‘Heritage’, in Hilary Callan (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Anthropology, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Sharon Macdonald and Jennie Morgan, 2018 ‘How can we know the future? Uncertainty, transformation, and magical techniques of significance assessment in museum collecting’. Assessment of Significance. Berlin: Deutsches Historisches Museum.
- Sharon Macdonald 2017 ‘Was ist eine Ausstellung und warum besuchen wir sie? Der kuratorische Blick von Studierende’, in F.Stuhl, H.Bredekamp and W.Schäffner (eds) +ulta gestaltung schafft wissen. Dokumentation der Ausstellung und ihrer partizipationen Vermittlungsformate, Berlin: Waxman, pp.67-70.
- Sharon Macdonald 2017 ‘Embedded ethics and research integrity: a response to “The quest for generic ethics principles in social science research” by David Carpenter’, in Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity, Vol.1: 29-36.
- Sharon Macdonald, Henrietta Lidchi and Margareta von Oswald 2017 ‘Introduction: engaging anthropological legacies towards cosmo-optimistic futures’, in H.Lidchi, S.Macdonald and M.von Oswald (eds) Engaging Anthropological Legacies, special section of Museum Worlds, pp. 97-109.
- Rodney Harrison, Nadia Bartolinia, Caitlin de Silvey, Cornelius Holtorf, Sharon Macdonald, Sarah May, Jennie Morgan, Sefryn Penrose 2016 'Heritage Futures', Archaeology International 19: 68-72.
- Sharon Macdonald 2016 ‘Is difficult heritage still difficult? Why public acknowledgement of past perpetration may no longer be so unsettling to collective identities’, in Museum International 67 (1-4): 6-22.
- Sharon Macdonald 2016 ‘New constellations of difference in Europe’s 21st Century Museumscape’, Museum Anthropology, 39(1): 4-19.
- Sharon Macdonald 2016 ‘Revolutions, turns and developments in museum education: some anthropological and museological reflections’, in B.Commandeur, H.Kunz-Ott and K.Schad (eds) Handbuch Museumspädagogik. Kulturelle Bildung in Museen, Munich: Kopaed, pp.95-105
- Regina Römhild and Sharon Macdonald 2016 ‘Reflexive Europeanisation and contentious cultural heritage’, Traces Vol.1: 10-12.
- Sharon Macdonald 2016 ‘Exhibiting contentious and difficult histories. Ethics, emotions and reflexivity’, in Bernice L.Murphy (ed.) Museums, Ethics and Cultural Heritage, London: Routledge (ICOM publication), pp.267-77.
- Sharon Macdonald 2015 ‘Probleme mit der Ethnologie’, in Prinzip Labor. Museumsexperimente im Humboldt Lab Dahlem, Berlin: Nicolai, pp.211-228. (German text of below)
- Sharon Macdonald 2015 ‘The Trouble with the Ethnological, in The Laboratory Concept. Museum Experiments in the Humboldt Lab Dahlem, Berlin: Nicolai, pp. 211-228. (English text of above)