Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Europäische Ethnologie




Under review         

Temptations in Ruin: chasing value in post-genocide Turkey (monograph)



Navaro, Y., Biner, Z.Ö., von Bieberstein, A. & Altug, S. (eds.) Reverberations:Violence across Time and Space. Philadelphia, PA: Pennsylvania University Press.



Peer-reviewed articles


In Preparation       

“A village, depo and a grazing ground: three sites of Armenian heritage in Eastern Turkey between indifference and a speculative future of faith tourism” Heritage and Society


Under review         

“Spoils and treasures: on war economies, citizenship and exceptional governance in Turkish Kurdistan” Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology.



“Sovereign extractions, extractive sovereignty: introduction”, special issue of Anthropological Theory, co-edited with Erdem Evren.


“Renewing an ‘Armenian’ neighbourhood: recursive dispossession and the history of extractive sovereignty in Turkey” Anthropological Theory



“Holes of Plenty” Etnofoor, Vol. 33(2): 75-90



“Treasure/Fetish/Gift: Hunting for 'Armenian gold' in post-genocide Turkish Kurdistan”, Subjectivity 10(2): 170-189. Available at:


“Surviving Hrant Dink: carnal mourning under the specter of senselessness”, Social Analysis 61(1): 55-68, a special issue on ‘Post-Ottoman Topologies’ edited by Nicolas Argenti.



“Not a German Past to be Reckoned with: Negotiating Migrant Subjectivities between Vergangenheitsbewältigung and the Nationalization of History”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (JRAI) 22 (4): 902-919.


“From Aggressive Humanism to Improper Mourning: Burying the victims of Europe’s border regime in Berlin”, co-authored with Erdem Evren, Social Research 83(2): 453-479.


Book chapters



“No Witness to Roots: On the (epistemologically troubling) figure of the ‘Islamized Armenian’” in Çelik, A.; Maksudyan, N. & Yildirim, E.Y. (eds.) Studying the Armenian Genocide through Life Story Documents and Biographies (Berghahn, expected 2024)



“Introduction. Reverberations of Violence Across Time and Space” co-authored with Navaro, Y.; Biner, Z.Ö. & Altug, S. in ‘Reverberations: Violence across Time and Space.’ (Philadelphia, PA: Pennsylvania University Press). Pp.: 1-29.


“Speculating on Death: Treasure Hunting in Present-Day Moush” in Altug, S., Biner, Z., Navaro, Y & von Bieberstein, A. (eds.) ‘Reverberations: Violence across Time and Space’ (Philadelphia, PA: Pennsylvania University Press). Pp: 63-82.



“Memorial miracle: Inspiring Vergangenheitsbewältigung between Berlin and Istanbul” in Gabowitsch, Mischa (ed.) ‘Replicating Atonement: Foreign Models in the Commemoration of Atrocities’ (Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan).


“Surrogate apologies, sublated differences: contemporary visions of post-national futures in Turkey under the spectre of the Left” in Karakatsanis, L. & Papadogiannis, N. (eds.) ‘The Politics of Culture in Turkey, Greece & Cyprus: Performing the Left Since the Sixties’ (London: Routledge). Pp. 56-74.


Other publications



“Völkermordleugnung in Deutschland? Postmigrantische Perspektiven auf Erinnerung, transnationale Gewaltgeschichte und türkischer Nationalismus in Deutschland“ Berliner Blätter



"The politics of condemnation” Allegra Lab series ‘Framing Gaza’, November 2023


 „Aghet, Armenisch für: die Katastrophe“, taz, 15.3.2023



Commentary to Smith, A.T. “Unseeing the Past: Archaeology and the Legacy of the Armenian Genocide” Current Anthropology 63(S25): S56-S90.



„Was kommt danach? Solidarität mit bedrohten Wissenschaftler*innen in und aus der Türkei“, co-authored with Corinna Trogisch and Steffen Käthner, Forum Wissenschaft1/9: 24-31.



“’Violated obligations’: WWII Turkey and its Jews” (book review of ‘Turkey, the Jews and the Holocaust’ by Corry Guttstadt), Turkish Review Vol. 4(1): 101-103 (



“The What of Occupation: ‘You took our cemetery, you won’t have our park!” Co-authored with Nora Tataryan, for Fieldsights-Hot Spots, Cultural Anthropology Online. October 31, 2013 (