Curriculum Vitae
- 2011-2013: Post Graduate Traineeship in Library Management, University Library Marburg (& M.A. Library and Information Science, Humboldt-University Berlin)
2009: M.A. European Ethnology, German Literature and Spanish, Humboldt-University Berlin
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Volkskunde
- Gesellschaft für Ethnographie e.V.
- Förderverein Gefangenenbüchereien e.V.
- Gesellschaft für Exilforschung e.V.
- Verein für Geschichte des Weltsystems e.V.
Current Position
- Research Assistant at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Humboldt-University Berlin (website)
Former Position
- Subject Librarian for Social Sciences at the Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum (University Library, Humboldt-University Berlin (2021-2022)
- Research Assistant at the Department of European Ethnology, Humboldt-University Berlin (2014-2019), PhD-student until 01/2023
- Data Librarian at German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA Hamburg)