Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Europäische Ethnologie



2023: Cross Purposes: Catholicism and the Political Imagination in Poland, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2013: Klezmer’s Afterlife. An Ethnography of the Jewish Music Revival in Poland and Germany, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Reviews: Slavic Review (2014), New Eastern Europe (2014), Association for Jewish Studies Review (2014), Music and Letters (2014), East European Jewish Affairs (2014), H-Net (2015),  Yearbook for Traditional Music (2015)

Edited Volumes

2019: (with Simon Lewis) Special Issue of East European Politics and Societies and Cultures “Poland’s Wars of Symbols” vol. 33, no 2.

2018: (with Tara Kohn) Jewish Translation/Translating Jewishness (Berlin: DeGruyter).

2014: Żydowskość w przekładzie [Jewishness in Translation Theme Issue of the Polish Journal of Literary Translation] Przekładaniec: A Journal of Translation Studies, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego [in Polish].

2013: Music Longing and Belonging. Articulations of the Self and the Other in the Musical Realm, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2010: (with Sophie Wagenhofer) Cultural Representations of Jewishness at the Turn of the 21st Century, EUI Working Papers, Florence: European University Press.

Journal Articles

2023: (with Yechiel Weizman, Ina Sorkina, Alexander Friedman) “Holocaust Survivors Returning to their Hometowns in the Polish-Belarusian-Ukrainian Borderlands, 1944-1948,Journal of Holocaust Research 37:2, 191-212, DOI:10.1080/25785648.2023.2197759

2023: „Anti-Jewish Violence of Polish Troops 1918–1920: The Case of Bobruisk“, Eastern European Jewish Affairs, vol. 2, 2023.

2022: (with Ina Sorkina) “The Second Life of Jewish Belongings: Jewish Personal Objects and their Afterlives in the Polish and Belarusian post-Holocaust ShtetlsHolocaust Studies, published online 17 March 2022, DOI: 10.1080/17504902.2022.2047292

2022: (with Ina Sorkina) “Rückkehr nach Hause oder ´Repatriierung´? Beweggründe für die Migration bei Holocausüberlebenden in Belarus nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: Eine vergleichende Betrachtung” Münchner Beiträge zur Jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur, vol. 1/2022, 65-82.

2020: “The Klezmer Revival in Poland as a Contact Zone”, in: POLIN: Studies in Polish Jewry, vol. 32, 461-476.

2019: “On the Genealogy of the Symbol of the Cross in the Polish Political Imagination”, in: East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, vol. 33, 2, 497-521.

2019: (with Simon Lewis) “Poland’s Wars of Symbols”, in: East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, vol. 33, 2, 423-434.

2019: „Stettin, Szczecin und der ‚dritte Raum‘ – Erinnerung im deutsch-polnisch-jüdischen Grenzland“, in: Totalitarismus und Demokratie, vol. 16, 1, 39-59.

2018: “Remembering the Holocaust on the Fault Lines of East and West-European Memorial Cultures: The New Memorial Complex in Trastsianets, Belarus”, in: Holocaust Studies vol. 24, 3, 329-353. [Annual Article Prize of Holocaust Studies]

2018: “Памяць пра халакост на лініях разломаў паміж усходне- і заходнееўрапейскай мемарыяльнымі культурамі: новы мемарыяльны комплекс у Трасцянцы”, in: Arche, vol. 3, 80-96.

2015: “Jewish Heritage and the New Belarusian National Identity Project”, in: East European Politics and Societies, 20, 10, 1-28.

2014: “Healing by Haunting: Jewish Ghosts in Contemporary Polish Literature”, in: Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History 34, 207-231.

2014: “Przekład żydowski/ żydowskość w przekładzie”, in: Przekładaniec: A Journal of Translation Studies, vol. 29, 7-19.

2014: “The Framing of the Jew. Paradigms of Incorporation and Difference in the Jewish Heritage Revival in Poland”, in: Jewish Cultural Studies, vol. 4, 313-31.

2013: [with Erica Lehrer] “Cur(at)ing History. New Genre Art Interventions and the Polish-Jewish Past”, in: East European Politics and Societies, 3, August, 507-540. DOI: 10.1177/0888325412467055.

2013: “The Jewish-Style Whodunit in Contemporary Poland and Germany”, in: East European Jewish Affairs, vol 43, 2, 143-161. DOI:10.1080/13501674.2013.813129.

2008: “Fiddler as a Fig Leaf. The Politicisation of Klezmer in Poland”, in: Manfred Sapper et al, eds., Osteuropa. Impulses for Europe. Tradition and Modernity in East European Jewry, Berlin: Osteuropa, 2008, 227-38.

2008: “Der Fiedler als Feigenblatt. Die Politisierung des Klezmers in Polen”, in: Osteuropa, Bd. 58, 8-10, 395-407.

2006: [with Steven Saxonberg] “Klezmer in Kraków: Kitsch, or Catharsis for Poles?”, in: Ethnomusicology, vol. 50, 3, 433-51.

2005: “A Goy Fiddler on the Roof. How the Non-Jewish Participants of the Klezmer Revival in Kraków Negotiate Their Polish Identity in a Confrontation with Jewishness”, in: Polish Sociological Review, vol. 4, 150, 367-82.

Book chapters

2023: (with Ina Sorkina and Alexander Friedman) “Jewish Heritage Revival in the Polish-Belarusian-Ukrainian Borderlands and the Myth of Multiculturalism” In: Simon Lewis and Stanley Bill (Eds.) Multicultural Commonwealth: Diversity and Difference in Poland-Lithuania and Its Successor States, Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press, forthcoming.

2023: „Verlorene Städte – Untersuchungen zu den Schtetlech im polnisch-belarusisch-ukrainischen Grenzgebiet der Nachkriegszeit“ Martin Zimmermann, ed. Lost Cities. Vom Leben mit verlassenen Städten in den Kulturen der Welt (= Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, Kolloquien, Bd. 110). De Gruyter/Oldenbourg: Berlin/Boston.

2020: „Im Land der unerzählten Geschichten“, in: Thomas M. Bohn und Marion Rutz, Belarus-Reisen: Empfehlungen aus der deutschen Wissenschaft, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 217–30.

2019: “Healing by Haunting: On Jewish Ghosts, Symbolic Exorcism and Traumatic Surrealism”, in: Zuzanna Dziuban, The “Spectral Turn”: Jewish Ghosts in the Polish Post-Holocaust Imaginaire, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 107-130.

2018: (with Tara Kohn) “Jewish Translation / Translating Jewishness”, in: Waligórska, Magdalena und Tara Kohn (Ed.). Jewish Translation/Translating Jewishness, Berlin: DeGruyter, 1-14.

2018: “The Boundaries of Translation: Polish-Jewish-German Literary Borderlands”, in: Waligórska, Magdalena und Tara Kohn (Ed.) Jewish Translation/Translating Jewishness, Berlin: DeGruyter, 303-309.

2015: “Stettin, Szczecin, and the ‘Third Space.’ Urban Nostalgia in the German/Polish/Jewish Borderlands”, in: Lehrer, Erica und Michael Meng (Ed.), Constructing Pluralism: Space, Nostalgia, and the Transnational Future of the Jewish Past in Poland, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 90-114.

2015: “In the Cellars and Attics of Memory: Mapping Jewish and non-Jewish Spaces in Contemporary Poland”, in: Gromova, Alina et al. (Ed.), Jewish and Non-Jewish Spaces in the Urban Context. Berlin: Neofelis, 243-258.

2015: [with Erica Lehrer] “A Picnic Underpinned with Unease: Spring in Warsaw and New Genre Polish-Jewish Memory Work”, in: Popescu, Diana und Tanja Schult (Ed.), Revisiting Holocaust Representation in the Post-Witness Era, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 149-162.

2014: “‘Darkness at the Beginning.’ Holocaust in Contemporary German Crime Fiction”, in: Herzog, Todd und Lynn Kutch (Ed.), Tatort Germany: The Curious Case of German Crime Fiction, Rochester: Camden House, 101-119.

2013: „Darstellungen des Jüdischen in der polnischen und deutschen Klezmer-Szene“, in: Nemtzov, Jascha (Ed.), Jüdische Musik. Studien und Quellen zur jüdischen Musikkultur, Bd. 11. Harrassowitz Verlag, 219-242.

2013: “Introduction: Music and the Boundaries of (Non)Belonging”, in: Waligórska, Magdalena (Ed.), Music, Longing and Belonging. Articulations of the Self and the Other in the Musical Realm, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 1-10.

2012: “Performing Jewish History in a Museum. Three Models of Enactment and Visitor Participation”, in: Bala, Elisabeth, Gudrun Cyprian und Gaby Franger (Ed.), Sehen und gesehen werden, Frauen in der Einen Welt: Nürnberg, 98-103.

2009: “Spotlight on the Unseen: the Rediscovery of Little Jerusalems”, in: Murzyn-Kupisz, Monika und Jacek Purchla (Ed.), Reclaiming Memory. Urban Regeneration in the Historic Jewish Quarters in Central Europe, International Cultural Centre: Kraków, 99-116.

2008: “Reflektorem w zapomniane: odkrywanie małych Jerozolim”, in: Murzyn-Kupisz, Monika und Jacek Purchla (Ed.), Przywracanie pamięci. Rewitalizacja zabytkowych dzielnic żydowskich w miastach Europy Środkowej, International Cultural Centre, Kraków, 99-116.

2007: “Jewish Heritage Production and Historical Jewish Spaces: A Case Study of Kraków and Berlin”, in: Siauciunaite, Jurgita und Larisa Lempertiene (Ed.), Jewish Space in Central and Eastern Europe. Day-to-Day History, Manchester: Oxford Scholars Publishing, 225-50.

Reviews and other short texts

2021: (with Alexander Friedman) “Das Amt für Öffentliche Sicherheit (UB) und jüdische Kommunisten in der Volksrepublik Polen nach 1945. Der Fall Aleksander Kuc (1919-2005)“ Medaon: Magazin für jüdisches Leben in Forschung und Bildung, 15.

2017: “Vilnius/Vilne/Wilno/Vilna: A Short History of Overwriting”, H-Nationalism: H-Net Reviews, February 2017.

2017: “Review of Warsaw: The Jewish Metropolis, eds. Dynner/Guesnet“, Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 2017.

2016: „Gardening the Nation: The Curious Case of Belarusian Nationalism Review of Rudling, Per Anders, The Rise and Fall of Belarusian Nationalism, 1906-1931. H-Nationalism, H-Net Reviews. August, 2016.

2015: “Kriegssocken: Biografien aus dem Krieg“, In: Gaby Franger Kriegssocken und Peacemakerinnen (Nürnberg: Frauen in der einen Welt, 2015), 58-59.

2014: “Ben-Yehudah – the Belorusian Hero”, in: AJS Perspectives, Spring.

2014: “Review of Małgorzata Pakier’s The Construction of European Holocaust Memory: German and Polish Cinema After 1989”, in: Nord-Ost-Archiv 23, 245-247.

2014: “Review of ‘In Search of Polin: Chasing Jewish Ghosts in Today’s Poland by Gary S. Schiff”, in: East European Jewish Affairs, May,134-136.

2013: “Granice przekładu: druga skóra pamięci”/ „Die Grenzen der Übersetzung: die zweite Haut der Erinnerung”, in: Magazin Deutschland und Polen, Goethe-Institut Polen, 2013.

2012: “Zbawczy kosmopolityzm. Michael Meng: Shattered Spaces: Encountering Jewish Ruins in Postwar Germany and Poland, Harvard University Press, 2012” Borussia: Kultura, Historia, Literatura, vol. 52, 232-37.