Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Europäische Ethnologie



Afrikanisches Exil in der DDR (gemeinsam mit Thabo Thindis Projektpräsentation "Exile Faces", Hochschultag Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin: "30 Jahre Mauerfall: Welche Perspektiven waren viel zu lange unsichtbar? Welche Perspektiven verpassen wir heute? Programm)



Regaining Malawi’s Radical Tradition: Southern African Liberation, the Eastern Bloc, and the Socialist League of Malawi (Lesoma) in Tanzanian Exile, 1974-1991.

  • presentation at the biennial conference of the Association of African Studies in Leipzig, Germany (Panel 20, Southern African Liberation Movements: Transnational Connections in Southern Africa and with Countries in the ‘East’ (1960–1994), organized by Lena Dallywater, Chris Saunders and Helder Fonseca)
  • presentation in absentia at the 2019 workshop "Freedom Road and its intersections: the struggles for liberation in southern and central Africa and its intersections", Stirling University Archives and the Division of History and Politics



Ein Revolutionär trotz allem: von den Rändern der afrikanischen Dekolonisierung zu den Fallstricken der postkolonialen Welt / A revolutionary nonetheless: from the margins of African decolonization to the pitfalls of the postcolonial world (Conference "Revolutionary Biographies in the 19th and 20th Century: imperial - inter/national - decolonial", 21-23 September, Max-Weber-Foundation / German Historical Institute Moscow) abstract



  • Socialist opposition from the exile: The example of Malawi (Conference “African Socialism/Socialisms in Africa”, 7-9 April, CNRS-Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) conference program & video
  • Politiken der Erinnerung und wissenschaftliche Praxis. Transnationale Verflechtungen des „anderen“ Deutschland als auffälliges Desiderat der Europäischen Ethnologie / Politics of remembrance and scientific practice. Transnational entanglements of the "other" Germany as a striking desideratum within European Ethnology (28. Österreichische Fachtagung für Europäische Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie & Volkskunde, "Dimensionen des Politischen. Ansprüche und Herausforderungen der Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft", 25-28 Mai, Graz)


African Exile in the German Democratic Republic: memories of "an undesirable German history"? (Annual meeting of the German society for sociology’s section „Biographical Research” on the topic „Biographical Research in Postcolonial Contexts”, Kassel/Germany)