Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Europäische Ethnologie

Aktuelles & News

19.05.2022: Terje Tvedt »The Nile. History’s Greatest River and the Confluence of Hydropolitics, Empire and the Postcolonial World« Response: Tahani Nadim

28.4.2022: launches!


Where do zoo animals go when they die? How do you taxidermy a parakeet? What links Leibniz and silk worms? Why are microfossils important for our planet’s history and future? How do collection objects get lost and what connects horseshoe crabs and vaccines?
Please join us for the launch of our buzzing website,, a digital publication by the research project “Animals as Objects. Zoological Gardens and Natural History Museum Berlin, 1810 to 2020“, edited by Ina Heumann and Tahani Nadim. Contributions by Mareike Vennen, Filippo Bertoni, Clemens Maier-Wolthausen, Britta Lange and others explore how animals have been turned into natural history objects and data.
The launch will take place virtually on April 28, 2-3 pm CET (in English).