Abstract Kamuran Akin
"The geospatial policies of the Turkish State in Northern Kurdistan (1993-2016): Surveillance and governmentality within the context of internal-colonialism"
I try to understand the geospatial policies of the Turkish State within the context of internal-colonialism practices in Northern Kurdistan. For this, I explore three major security measures that are implemented by the Turkish state forces: (i) construction of security dams, (ii) erection of high-security and robotized checkpoints, and (iii) setting up regular wildfires by the Turkish army in the region. I will analyse the consequences of these measures in terms of geospatial changes as well as of socio-environmental impacts. For my work, it is also important to understand the influence of these policies on the anti-colonial struggle in the region.
My main research questions are: To what extent can we think the geospatial policies of the Turkish State in Northern Kurdistan within the context of colonial practices? What kind of colonialism is the Kurdish population faced with in Northern Kurdistan? What kind of anti-colonial struggle is pursued in Northern Kurdistan? Are they different than those pursued against the colonialism?