Curating Digital Images: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Affordances of Digital Images in Heritage and Museum Contexts
The DFG-funded research project “Curating Digital Images: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Affordances of Digital Images in Heritage and Museum Contexts” brings ethnographic perspectives to bear on practices of digital curation in museums and heritage. The project is based at the Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage (CARMAH) at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and located within the DFG priority programme “Das digitale Bild” / “The Digital Image”. With its main applicants being Christoph Bareither and Sharon Macdonald, it couples the research expertise of CARMAH with perspectives and approaches of media and digital anthropology, as well as information science, with Elke Greifeneder as project co-applicant.
Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe: The Role of Museums in a Digital 'Post-Truth' European Society (CHAPTER)
The project “Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe: The Role of Museums in a Digital ‘Post-Truth’ European Society (CHAPTER)”, funded by the VolkswagenStiftung, will develop approaches and best practice examples to support museums in challenging the growing influence of populist discourse in Europe through digital innovation. The project is based at the Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage (CARMAH) and includes a collaboration of researchers in Berlin (project leaders: Christoph Bareither and Sharon Macdonald), London (Haidy Geismar) and Krakow (Roma Sendyka) and museums in the respective regions, supported through a review board with members from other European countries.
CEDA: Computer-Assisted Ethnographic Data Analysis
Between 2018-2019, the project (funded by the Medienkommission of the Humboldt University) created video screencast about the use of qualitative data analysis software in ethnographic research contexts. Through the screencasts students are able to learn about the application of qualitative data analysis software by seeing the relevant processes on the interface while listening to a dialogue reflecting methodological questions. Aside from their hands-on value for students, the screencasts aim to demonstrate the potential of digital video formats in teaching and (blended) learning.
Data Literacy Screencasts (DALIS): Video Resources for Digital Data Competencies in Ethnographic Research
The project builds upon the formats developed in the CEDA project for the production of dialogical screencasts and, in discussion with various experts, provides resources with which students can acquire applied data skills. The project covers a variety of topics, including data collection, -archiving, evaluation, -reuse; digital literature research; internet ethnography, participatory observation online and research ethics in digital contexts.
Digital Exhibition & Best Practices for Science Communication in a Student Research Project
Since December 2019, the project (funded by the bologna.lab of the Humboldt University) supports an MA student project in realizing a concept for a digital exhibition. The exhibition is co-designed by all students and will present their findings to a broad public audience, in particular young visitors, in order to inspire them to critically reflect upon processes of digital curation on the Internet. After the release of the digital exhibition in July 2020 the project will develop a best practice portfolio to support others in the realization of similar formats in the future.
Digital Truth-Making: Ethnographic Perspectives on Practices, Infrastructures and Affordances of Truth-Making in Digital Societies (Online Conference)
The DFG-funded international conference "Digital Truth-Making" included a dynamic conference format with professionally pre-produced videos, Etherpad and chat interaction, virtual live sessions and a multi-layered digital programme. The conference demonstrated how digital exchange formats can go beyond the standards of established conference structures and open up new ways of scientific collaboration. A best practice documentation of the conference is currently being compiled, which can serve as a support for colleagues from the field in implementing comparable formats. You can still sign up for the conference to watch the pre-produced video presentations.
Media & Digital Anthropology Lab
The Media & Digital Anthropology Lab (MeDiA Lab) constitutes an open space for ethnologists, cultural anthropologists and other scholars interested in conducting ethnographic research about how ‘old’ and ‘new’ media are enacted in everyday life. The lab organizes events such as round table discussions and holds regular sessions, in which its members talk about projects, discuss methodical issues or listen to presentations of empirical work by both students and established media anthropologists.