[Workshop] An "Archival Turn" in Kurdish Studies? New sources and approaches to Kurdish diasporas, transnational networks and social history
Time: February 24th-25th, 2025
Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, The Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Anton-Wilhelm-Amo Str. 40/41, 10117 Berlin, Room 408
Organized by: Adnan Çelik and Alice von Bieberstein
In collaboration with the Institut für Europäische Ethnologie (IfEE) at Humboldt University of Berlin and the Centre d’études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques (CETOBaC) at the EHESS in Paris, we are organizing a workshop entitled “An Archival Turn in Kurdish Studies? New Sources and Approaches to Kurdish Diaspora, Transnational Networks, and Social History,” which will take place on February 24 and 25, 2025, at the IfEE in Berlin.
Bringing together around twenty scholars, the workshop will focus on the manifestations and challenges presented by the abundance of unpublished sources in Kurdish studies, with particular attention to Kurdish diasporas, transnational networks, social and environmental history.
Workshop speakers : Adnan Çelik, Alice von Bieberstein, Angelika O. Pobedonostseva, Aslı Özgen, Barbara Henning, Derya Bayır, Dicle Akar, Ercan Çaglayan, Farangis Ghaderi, Heather Hughes, İpek Demir, Jon Bullock, Leyla Ferman, Marlene Schäfers, Mashuq Kurt , Nicholas Glastonbury, Sedat Ulugana, Sidar Bayram, Yektan Türkyilmaz, Zozan Pehlivan.
The detailed program of the workshop will be communicated later.