Institutskolloquium Sommersemester 2018
Sommersemester 2018
Dienstags, 12 c.t. – 14:00 Uhr *
Raum 311 (3. OG)
Institut für Europäische Ethnologie
Møhrenstraße 41
10117 Berlin
* note that asterisked evening events take place from 18-20h in room 408
Events will take place variously in German and English
'Conjunctures and Creations': Anthropological Transformations / Transforming Anthropology
This colloquium addresses anthropological transformations and transformations of anthropology. What is the place of conjunctures and creations in anthropological practice? We seek to discuss these issues of transformation in relation to disciplinary attachments and detachments, challenges, and tensions. What are some of our shared concerns, or where are productive and challenging tensions? We invite reflections on these anthropologies and their transformations. And what can we learn from these transformations about what is ‘the anthropological’? What is so specific about the kind of perspectives that anthropologists produce on institutional transformations and change, theoretical creations and methodological conjectures? While we have some specific transformations in mind, such as the recent renaming of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde to the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie (DGSKA) and the response this prompts (or doesn’t) for institutes of European Ethnology or Volkskunde, we also wish to think about experimentations with method, new theoretical advances, and how these have contributed to new conjunctures and creations in the discipline in Germany and beyond.
Titel | Vortragende_r | |
17.04. |
QUERDENKEN I (Introduction):
Sharon Macdonald, Tahani Nadim, Jonas Tinius (CARMAH/IFEE, HU Berlin) |
24.04. |
Stadt, Welt, Verflechtung – Perspektiven kritischer Museumspraxis |
Natalie Bayer (FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum, Berlin) und Sophia Prinz (Vergleichende Kultursoziologie, Frankfurt/Oder) |
Feiertag – kein Institutskolloquium |
* 08.05. |
Distributed Sovereignty: Better Inroads into Southeast Asia |
Aihwa Ong (Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, USA) |
15.05. |
Heath Cabot (University of Pittsburg), Tahani Nadim and Jens Adam (CARMAH/IfEE, HU Berlin) |
22.05. |
What’s in a Name? Perspektiven der (Europäischen) Ethnologie |
Beate Binder (IfEE, HU Berlin), Hansjörg Dilger (Social and Cultural Anthropology, FU Berlin), Sharon MacDonald (CARMAH/IfEE, HU Berlin) |
* 29.05. |
Transformational relations: transplantation and metamorphosis |
Marilyn Strathern (Anthropology, University of Cambridge, UK) |
05.06. |
12.06. |
Gareth Doherty (Graduate School of Design, Harvard University) |
19.06. |
QUERDENKEN III: Was (verrechtlichte) Kategorien tun. Perspektiven aus Gender Studies und Science and Technology Studies. |
Beate Binder, Martina Klausner, Alik Mazukatow, Jörg Niewöhner (IfEE, HU Berlin) |
26.06. |
Politiken der Natur: Zur kolonialen Geschichte eines Dinosauriers. |
Runder Tisch mit Ina Heumann (Museum für Naturkunde), Holger Stöcker (Afrikawissenschaften, HU Berlin), Mareike Vennen (Kunstwissenschaft, TU Berlin) |
Ethnographic Experimentation: An Inventory of Fieldwork Devices |
Tomás Sánchez Criado, Adolfo Estalella, Ignacio Farias (IfEE, HU Berlin) |
* 10.07. |
Prüfungswoche – kein Institutskolloquium |
Hinweis zur Barrierefreiheit
Wir bemühen uns um größtmögliche Barrierefreiheit. Der Zugang zum Gebäude ist rollstuhlgeeignet (Eingang Hausvogteiplatz durch den Hof, nächster U-Bahnhof mit Aufzug: Stadtmitte).